We have all experienced the annoying discomfort of a headache, the sensation can attack any part of the head with pain levels ranging from dull to throbbing. Sometimes, these headaches occur alongside other symptoms such as fatigue, sensitivity to the light, and pain in the eyes, back, and neck. Usually, the first instinct we have is to reach for an over-the-counter pain reliever.

While these medications can effectively mask headache and migraine, pain, they do nothing to address the root cause. More natural solutions can get to the root of the headaches, one of which is chiropractic care. Our expert chiropractor at Cedar Springs Chiropractic offers non-invasive treatments that can alleviate many types of headaches, reducing them in both frequency and intensity.

Types of Headaches

There are many types of headaches. The most troublesome of the bunch include cluster headaches, tension, migraines, sinus-related headache, and post-traumatic headaches. These headaches tend to re-occur the most. Headaches can be triggered by stress, pre-existing disorders, poor diet, and poor lifestyle choices. Our chiropractor will assess your musculoskeletal system to determine the factors that are contributing to your headaches before creating a chiropractic care plan to address them.

Chiropractic Care for Headaches 

Your chiropractic care plan will most likely include manipulation of the tissues, joints, and spine as well as lifestyle and nutritional counseling. Such treatments will improve your circulation, improve your nervous system function, and relax tense muscles, all of which will reduce the frequency and intensity of your headaches. Regular chiropractic adjustments will most likely be necessary for positive results.

Contact Our Chiropractor for Headache Treatment 

If you suffer from any type of re-occurring headaches, we are ready to assist you. For more information or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor, call Cedar Springs Family Chiropractic today at (616) 696-2688.




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