Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition due to the intense pain it causes and its effect on weakening your muscles. When you notice the onset of sciatica symptoms, your priority should be reaching out to a chiropractor near you. Allow our team at Cedar Springs Family Chiropractic to handle your sciatica. Experience relief from back pain and freedom from other sciatica symptoms after receiving treatment at our office in Cedar Springs, MI.


We offer numerous treatment options for sciatica. Learn more about them below and discover how they can serve as effective sciatica and back pain treatments.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Seeking chiropractic care if you’re dealing with sciatica makes a lot of sense if you know the root cause of the condition. Sciatica results from something inside your body pressing on your sciatic nerve. The object exerting pressure could be a herniated disc, bone spurs, or a tumor. Issues with the alignment of your spine could also put excessive pressure on your sciatic nerve.

Adjustments administered by a chiropractor near you can prove helpful because they can quickly ease the pressure on the sciatic nerve. They can correct the misalignments responsible for your sciatica and treat herniated discs and bone spurs.

Traction Therapy

The chiropractor near you may also suggest traction therapy as your sciatica and back pain treatment. Traction therapy involves the gentle stretching of the spine. Most of the time, traction therapy is used to treat herniated discs. It grants relief from back pain by triggering the body’s natural healing response and sending nutrients to the injured segment of your spine.

By gently stretching the spine, your chiropractor can also alleviate the pressure responsible for your sciatica. Your symptoms should disappear not long after your traction therapy appointment.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another treatment option that can help with sciatica. However, it doesn’t work like the other two treatment methods. Massage therapy focuses more on your weakened muscles instead of directly addressing the cause of your sciatica. It’s a complementary form of treatment that helps you recover faster from the effects of sciatica. You should have an easier time getting back into your routine because your muscles stay strong while you recover.

Find Effective Sciatica Treatments for Residents of Cedar Springs, MI

We offer effective sciatica treatments here at Cedar Springs Family Chiropractic. Enjoy the lasting effects of your sciatica treatment after attending your appointment at our clinic in Cedar Springs, MI.




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