In order to determine whether you have a disc herniation, it is important to understand what a herniated disc is. At Cedar Springs Family Chiropractic in Cedar Springs, our chiropractor can provide natural and effective relief through chiropractic care.

What is a Disc Herniation?

Your spine consists of 25 discs that are spread along the entire length from your neck to your tailbone. These discs allow flexibility in the spine and act as shock absorbers. The center of the disc is gelatinous and primarily composed of water. However, damage or wear and tear can cause the discs to dry out and crack. When the center of the disc pushes out through a crack in the rubbery exterior, it results in a herniated disc.

Symptoms of Disc Herniation

Numerous nerves pass through the spine, and when a disc herniation presses on one of these nerves, it can cause a variety of symptoms. One of the most recognizable symptoms is pain, particularly in the lumbar spine area, which radiates down the sciatic nerve to the legs. This pain can be described as a burning or shooting sensation. Usually, only one leg is affected, although it is possible for both to be affected.

Numbness or tingling in the extremities may also be experienced. If the herniation is in the neck or upper back, these sensations can occur in the arms or hands. Additionally, weakness in the legs may occur, making walking difficult.

Treatment for Herniated Discs

The appropriate treatment for a herniated disc depends on whether you are experiencing pain, as not everyone does. Spinal decompression may be a suitable option in such cases. This procedure involves stretching the spine, which can be done manually or with the assistance of a computer-generated program. By gently stretching the discs apart, pressure on the nerve is relieved, allowing the disc to return to its original position.

Contact Us for Chiropractic Care in Cedar Springs, MI

If you are seeking relief from a herniated disc, our chiropractor at Cedar Springs Family Chiropractic is here to provide the treatment you need. You can reach out to us online or give us a call at (616) 696-2688.




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